MN Biathlon Fall Festival – RESULTS

15th Annual Fall Festival Roller Ski Biathlon Races

October 29 and 30, 2011 – Elk River Biathlon Range

Formats: Click for Results pdf

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Summer Rollerski Biathlon Results – July 30

A 10km Rollerski race with 4 shooting stages

Thanks to everyone who made it out, here are the results:

Elk River Roller Ski Biathlon Results

Youth Men
1    Ben Greenwald    2-3-4-3=12    35:15
2    Zean Baker        1-2-2-5=10    37:56
3    Nick Proell        2-2-2-4=10    39:24
4    Ty Hadris        3-1-3-3=10    41:54
5    Joe Fairbanks    3-4-4-5=16    42:24

Youth Women
1    Jenna Ruzich    0-0-2-1=3    38:36

1    Luke Isreal        0(PS)-1(PS)=1    31:25
2    Ethan Fairbanks    5(PP)-2(PS)=7    36:40

Senior Men
1    Nigel Kinney        1-1-4-3=9    31:40
2    Brian Wray        0-3-3-2=8    39:46

Senior Women
1    Caitlin Compton    0-1-3-2=6    39:02

Running Women
1    Steph Holmes    2-3-2-5=12    26:30

If anyone has photos to submit, feel free to send them to

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Air Rifle Summer Biathlon

Air Rifle Summer Biathlon for boys and girls 5 – 13 years old
Sunday, July 26th, 2009 , Mt.Itasca – Coleraine

Hosted by Mt.Itasca Nordic Ski Association

Air Rifle Biathlon Race for boys and girls (5 – 13 years old): Running + Shooting Air Rifle

Format: Individual, interval Start, shooting PRONE (1x or 2x)

Age category # of shooting Position Run – distance:
5-7 years old

(Born 2004-2002)

1x5shoot (prone) cans/balloons Prone with adult help on the range 400m
8-10 years old

(Born 2001-1999)

1x5shoot (prone)

Metal targets

Prone with help on the range 2x600m
11-13 years old

(Born 1998-1996)

2x5shoot (prone)

Metal targets

Prone, Prone with

help on the range


Registration: approx. 4:40pm-5:00pm

Zero and safety instruction: 5:00pm – 5:35pm

All children will go through the safety instruction prior to the zeroing / the race and they will have adult / coach/experienced biathlete helping them on the range while competing or zeroing the rifle, or safety instruction! Air Rifles and pellets are provided.

Start of the race approx: 5:45pm

Bonus Air Rifle Competition: Shoot the middle target, Relay of 2, Sniper,.. (Parents are welcome to participate in the games/competition after the main race)

Fee: $6 Cash or checks payable to: Mt. Itasca Nordic Ski Association

Awards approx: 6:30pm – 7:00pm. Each participant will receive a diploma.

Dates of next Air Rifle Biathlon Races: MTB : Aug. 23 (Sun)

Cross: Aug. 30 (Sun), Sept.20 (Sun), Oct. 11 (Sun)

Questions? Call Petra or Vlad 218-999-5046 or e-mail: