Midwest Regional Races 3/4

Attached is the event flyer for the Midwest regional races on January 4th and 5th.

This event has been moved to Mount Itasca, see newer post for flyer and sign-up form.

Originally scheduled for Elk River, this event has a high probability of being held instead at Mount Itasca due to low snow conditions at Woodland Trails. Updates will be published as decisions are made.


AprilBegin training year Monday10 April, 2023
MayElk River [ER] daycampSat/Sun6/7 May
Officials clinicSaturday6 May evening
Mt Itasca daycampSat20-May
Officials clinicSaturday20 May evening
June4 day long camp Mt Itasca [MI] Wed-Sat14-17 Jun
daycamp ER Saturday24-Jun
RACE #1 – ER – rollerski [RS] Sunday25-Jun
Arien’s Regional Select CampMon-Fri26-30 June
JulyDaycamp -BosekSaturday8-Jul
Daycamp ERSaturday22-Jul
RACE#2- ER- RS PursuitSunday23-Jul
AugustVermont camp -JerichoMon-Sun31 Jul-6 Aug
RACE #3- ER – RSSun13-Aug
Daycamp DuluthSat 26-Aug
SeptemberDaycamp  ERSaturday23-Sep
RACE #4 ER RSSunday24-Sep
OctoberDaycamp ERSaturday14-Oct
RACE #5 ER RSSunday15-Oct
NovemberOfficials/Coaches clinicTBD
DecemberMNCup #1 – Mt ItascaSunday3-Dec
Regional #1/#2, MN 2&3Mt ItascaSat/Sun16/17 Dec
YJr/Youth Olympics team trials–Mt ITue-Sun26-31 Dec
January 2024Regional #3/#4 -MN 4&5Ripley or E RiverSat/Sun13/14 Jan
Regional #5/#6–WIBlackhawk ?Sat/Sun27/28 Jan
FebruaryMN Cup #6- Elk RiverSunday25-Feb
Novice clinicright after race
MarchMN Cup #7- DuluthSaturday2-Mar
Novice Clinicright after race
Regional #7/#8 -WIAriens/BrillionSat/Sun9/10 Mar
MN Cup #8 Mt ItascaSaturday16-Mar
Nationals TBD3rd week in March
Note: the above assumes the MN High School schedule and the CXC schedule is similar to this past year. 

Annual 4-day training camp

Coming up in just under two weeks is the annual 4 day camp at Mt Itasca in Coleraine!! I have again attached the Invitation and the tentative schedule. Please note that if you can’t make the full 4 days, you can attend for a day or more at a time!! Each day will provide some shooting and some rollerski work—so really good way to get the summer started in Biathlon!!!

The camp is designed to enhance the skills of all from first year to veterans!! We will be building on the skills covered at the daycamps last month!! 

Most participants will tent camp onsite or stay in the HQ building. The Chalet will be available for showers and dining. All meals will be provided either at the Chalet or at the homes of local participants. 

Please contact John Gould to sign up or if you want more information. Early signups really help us in planning for food and coaching needs!

Thanks and looking forward to seeing everyone!!
Bill Meyer, Coach

THIS COMING WEEK THE 15TH OF MAY, 2023 – informative documents

Good Morning Everyone!

This coming week is the 2nd week of our 2nd month of training! The volume is down slightly to give a mini recovery week before a really long hard week coming up. Mondays work well as recovery days as we will continue to recommend hard training on both Saturdays and Sundays! Remember, recovery is when you actually improve—rest up and then continue to supercompensate!! 

Considering where we are with training, here are a couple of camps coming up—first, next Saturday will be a daycamp at Mt Itasca. One day only. Please see the attached Invitation and get in touch with John Gould if you would like to come. If you did not make the daycamps at Elk River last weekend—this would be a great opportunity to get onto the biathlon training page!! And in the evening, from 6:00-8:00, MN Biathlon will hold another Officials Clinic leading to a USBA Level One Officials certification. 

The plans continue to move forward for the annual 4-day MN Biathlon Training Camp at Mt Itasca starting on June 14th and running through Saturday, June 17th. The Invitation for that event is also attached! MN Biathlon is still waiting for some to pay for their rifle lease!! Please, let’s get these taken care of!! And some have not paid their membership dues yet! The forms are, once again, attached for your convenience!!

Bill Meyer, Coach

MNB Membership information

Our primary round of rifle distribution is now done. Basically if you have a MN Biathlon rifle—your lease fee is due NOW!! Andof course, your MN Biathlon Membership. Please get this in to me as quickly as possible!!! The forms are attached once again!! 

Bill Meyer, Coach