AprilBegin training year Monday10 April, 2023
MayElk River [ER] daycampSat/Sun6/7 May
Officials clinicSaturday6 May evening
Mt Itasca daycampSat20-May
Officials clinicSaturday20 May evening
June4 day long camp Mt Itasca [MI] Wed-Sat14-17 Jun
daycamp ER Saturday24-Jun
RACE #1 – ER – rollerski [RS] Sunday25-Jun
Arien’s Regional Select CampMon-Fri26-30 June
JulyDaycamp -BosekSaturday8-Jul
Daycamp ERSaturday22-Jul
RACE#2- ER- RS PursuitSunday23-Jul
AugustVermont camp -JerichoMon-Sun31 Jul-6 Aug
RACE #3- ER – RSSun13-Aug
Daycamp DuluthSat 26-Aug
SeptemberDaycamp  ERSaturday23-Sep
RACE #4 ER RSSunday24-Sep
OctoberDaycamp ERSaturday14-Oct
RACE #5 ER RSSunday15-Oct
NovemberOfficials/Coaches clinicTBD
DecemberMNCup #1 – Mt ItascaSunday3-Dec
Regional #1/#2, MN 2&3Mt ItascaSat/Sun16/17 Dec
YJr/Youth Olympics team trials–Mt ITue-Sun26-31 Dec
January 2024Regional #3/#4 -MN 4&5Ripley or E RiverSat/Sun13/14 Jan
Regional #5/#6–WIBlackhawk ?Sat/Sun27/28 Jan
FebruaryMN Cup #6- Elk RiverSunday25-Feb
Novice clinicright after race
MarchMN Cup #7- DuluthSaturday2-Mar
Novice Clinicright after race
Regional #7/#8 -WIAriens/BrillionSat/Sun9/10 Mar
MN Cup #8 Mt ItascaSaturday16-Mar
Nationals TBD3rd week in March
Note: the above assumes the MN High School schedule and the CXC schedule is similar to this past year. 

THIS COMING WEEK THE 15TH OF MAY, 2023 – informative documents

Good Morning Everyone!

This coming week is the 2nd week of our 2nd month of training! The volume is down slightly to give a mini recovery week before a really long hard week coming up. Mondays work well as recovery days as we will continue to recommend hard training on both Saturdays and Sundays! Remember, recovery is when you actually improve—rest up and then continue to supercompensate!! 

Considering where we are with training, here are a couple of camps coming up—first, next Saturday will be a daycamp at Mt Itasca. One day only. Please see the attached Invitation and get in touch with John Gould if you would like to come. If you did not make the daycamps at Elk River last weekend—this would be a great opportunity to get onto the biathlon training page!! And in the evening, from 6:00-8:00, MN Biathlon will hold another Officials Clinic leading to a USBA Level One Officials certification. 

The plans continue to move forward for the annual 4-day MN Biathlon Training Camp at Mt Itasca starting on June 14th and running through Saturday, June 17th. The Invitation for that event is also attached! MN Biathlon is still waiting for some to pay for their rifle lease!! Please, let’s get these taken care of!! And some have not paid their membership dues yet! The forms are, once again, attached for your convenience!!

Bill Meyer, Coach

MNB Membership information

Our primary round of rifle distribution is now done. Basically if you have a MN Biathlon rifle—your lease fee is due NOW!! Andof course, your MN Biathlon Membership. Please get this in to me as quickly as possible!!! The forms are attached once again!! 

Bill Meyer, Coach

Upcoming events and racing on Snow!! – Bill Meyer

Good Morning Everyone!!

Summarizing our upcoming schedule and getting some signups for W. Yellowstone over Thanksgiving week, Youth and Junior World Team Trials at the end of Dec and US Nationals at the end of March.

First—would anyone be interested in another daycamp at Elk River on Sunday the 14th of Nov? Please let me know asap if you are. This is tentative at this point until I hear from you guys.

Then the annual Thanksgiving camp at West Yellowstone including a biathlon race on Wed the 24th of Nov is coming right up!! The Team leaders will be the Brodersons:

They have some information on housing and the week’s plans—so let them know if you are planning on that and keep me in the loop also!!

Then we have races scheduled at Mt Itasca in early Dec:
MN Cup #1 on Sunday, 5 Dec. This is open to all comers, but is also dependent on snowmaking/weather!
Regional races/MN Cups Sat and Sunday 11/12 Dec. Again these races are open to all comers

Invitations to these events will be forthcoming prior to the events.

Then at the National level coming up right after Christmas at Soldier Hollow, Utah, 27-31 Dec, US Biathlon is holding the US Youth and Junior Team Trials to determine who makes the team to the YJr World Championships and a few other international events.

This venue is up at high altitude, 5900 feet, so anyone planning on attending should plan to arrive well ahead of the first race. Official Training will start on 27 Dec and races will be on 28,30 & 31 Dec.

We will have a coaching staff headed up by Jeff Bosek with assistance from Marcus/Tara Landrum and Chad/Lynda Bouley headed out. Jean and I will be out prior to the races. Other coaches are welcome to join in!!

Housing in the Heber City/Midway UT appears to be quite expensive. This series is for advanced athletes who have a shot at making the teams. It is also a good chance for an advanced athlete to just experience the National Trials atmosphere, but for most in that category, Nationals would be a better choice. See below. Only age classes <17, Youth and Juniors are eligible for team positions. <17 & Youth are combined into one class.

If you plan to attend Trials—please let Jeff and me know asap!!

In Jan:

15/16 Jan – Regional races at Blackhawk in Madison- these are also MN Cup races
29/30 Jan – Regional races at Elk River—MN Cup races also

And more Regional and MN Cup events the rest of the winter.

Then on the 23rd-27th of March—US Biathlon will hold US Nationals at Lake Placid. This venue is lower—and a good place for an aspiring biathlete to dip their big toe in the water of National competition!!!

So please let me know your plans—so we can adequately staff these events!!

Enjoy the Journey—you have been working hard to get to the main season—just now coming up!!

Bill Meyer, Coach

MN Biathlon Training Racing Schedule – April-Dec 2021

April-Dec 2021


  • 12 April– begin training plan for 2021-2022


  • 8/9 two-day camp Elk River
    Experienced AM and PM- Max 10
    shooting focus Newcomers PM Max 10
  • 15/16 Weekend shooting camp Mt Itasca -optional- housing and food on your own
  • 16 Rifle Fitting / Shooting Clinic Blackhawk Ski Club, Youth and Masters


  • 14-20 Weeklong shooting Camp at Mt Itasca, MN, Camping and Breakfast/lunch included
  • 25-27 Shooting and Ski Camp at Blackhawk, Camping available at Blackhawk
  • 26 Safety Certification Class at Blackhawk
  • Sun 27 Daycamp Elk River Max 20
  • Sun 27 Rollerski biathlon race- Elk River


  • Sat 17 Day Camp at Wolfpack Biathlon, MN
  • Thurs 22 Rollerski biathlon race- Elk River


  • 2-8 National camp and Summer Championships at Jericho VT or Craftsbury Tentative!!
  • Sun 15 Day camp Duluth Snowflake Ski Club
  • Thurs 19 Rollerski biathlon race- Elk River


  • 12 Day camp Mt Itasca, MN
  • 11/12 Two Day Camp and Race, Blackhawk Ski Club, Youth and Masters


  • 16/17 Day camp Elk River, MN, Fall Festival with Roller Ski Biathlon Race


  • Sun 14 Daycamp Elk River
  • 21-28 Thanksgiving camp- West Yellowstone
    incl biathlon race


  • 4/5 On snow- Mt Itasca
  • Sun 5 race on snow Mt Itasca MN Cup #1
  • Sun 12 race on snow Mt Itasca MN Cup #2
  • 26-31 Youth and Junior National Team Trials- Soldier Hollow. Race dates to be determined

March 2022

  • 23-27 US National Championships, Lake Placid,NY

Note: Dates and events subject to change based on weather, availability and condition of venues and Covid restrictions. Full winter race schedule for MN and WI will be added at a later date.

MN Biathlon Membership

Good Morning!! 

Here is the membership form for MN Biathlon for the coming training year which will start on 12th of April, and runs from April to April. A USBA membership is also required to use the ranges and participate in events (membership runs from Oct to Oct). USBA provides our range insurance. 

Also coming up are rifles leases for those leasing MN Biathlon rifles for the coming year. We are still working on the final distribution list, and we will contact those affected within the next couple of weeks. Rifle lease prices will remain the same as last year –$200 for a bolt action or Izhmach, and $225 for an Anschutz Fortner action. If you want a club rifle but haven’t returned the questionnaire to me yet, I need that before we will re-issue any rifle.

Training plans for the upcoming season are also being developed according to the information I have. If you want a plan, but have not indicated to me you would like a plan, please do so. I will need  the number of hours you trained last year, and reserve the right to just refer you to our pretty much weekly email. I am waiting on USBA to get their Trials schedule out. The IBU Youth and Junior World Championships will be held at Soldier Hollow in the US in late February this upcoming season!  

Currently we have 10 athletes from the Midwest headed for West Yellowstone for US Biathlon Nationals. Some are there, some are on their way, and some leave in the am. Good Luck to all!! 140+biathletes from around the lower 48 snowbelt plus AK are registered!! Should be a lot of fun!! The Covid testing requirements are strict!!  

Meanwhile, please take a minute to fill out the attached form, and return it to me as indicated. Any checks should be made out to MN Biathlon.  

Thanks—lets get this done asap!  
Bill Meyer, Coach