Elk River Summer Biathlon #1 – RESULTS

Elk River Summer Biathlon #1

Presented by Minnesota Biathlon

Sunday, June 25th, 2023

6.6m Individual

Over allCat. PlaceCategoryRacerStartFinishOverall TimeBackPSTotal
11JWKaisa Bosek1:0026:0925:09+0:00101
22JWSaylor Landrum1:3029:2927:59+2:50022
31YWLauren Huber2:0033:2731:27+6:18336
41U15WIrina Viskovatykh2:3036:5034:20+9:11235
51SWAlissa Johnson3:3038:1934:49+9:405510

8.6km Individual

Over allCat. PlaceCategoryRacerStartFinishOverall TimeBackPSTotal
11SMJakob Ellingson6:0034:0628:06+0:00000
21U17MJack Cashman8:0038:3730:37+2:31202
31JMLogan Jensen7:0037:5030:50+2:44224
42U17MGabe Hallgren7:3039:0831:38+3:32347
52JMEliott Swanson6:3038:1131:41+3:35538
61SWCheresa Bouley5:3037:1731:47+3:41123
71YMJoel Bouley9:0041:2332:23+4:17347
81MWCaitlin Gregg5:0037:5232:52+4:46336
92YMReid Binsfeld9:3043:1333:43+5:37437
103U17MSergei Viskovatykh8:3043:0834:38+6:32235
112SMBlake Wagoner10:0051:0241:02+12:56224

5.3km Individual

Over allCat PlaceCategoryRacerOverall TimeBackPSTotal
11YWRiver Fena29:58+0:00437

Woodland Trails Park
20135 Elk Lake Rd NW, Elk River, MN 55330

Sprint Race

Long race – 8.6km – Junior/Senior Men Short race – 6.6km – All Other Categories

Three laps, two shooting stages (prone + standing) with penalty loops.

Shorter courses can be arranged for younger athletes at coach discretion.


9:15am – Registration opens 10:00am – Zero opens ~11:00am – Race start

$10 per racer

Payable by cash or check to “Minnesota Biathlon” on the day of the race. Sign up online!


Volunteers needed and appreciated!

Please contact Lynda at lyndabouley@gmail.com for opportunities. Questions? Concerns? Contact administration@minnesotabiathlon.com

THIS COMING WEEK THE 15TH OF MAY, 2023 – informative documents

Good Morning Everyone!

This coming week is the 2nd week of our 2nd month of training! The volume is down slightly to give a mini recovery week before a really long hard week coming up. Mondays work well as recovery days as we will continue to recommend hard training on both Saturdays and Sundays! Remember, recovery is when you actually improve—rest up and then continue to supercompensate!! 

Considering where we are with training, here are a couple of camps coming up—first, next Saturday will be a daycamp at Mt Itasca. One day only. Please see the attached Invitation and get in touch with John Gould if you would like to come. If you did not make the daycamps at Elk River last weekend—this would be a great opportunity to get onto the biathlon training page!! And in the evening, from 6:00-8:00, MN Biathlon will hold another Officials Clinic leading to a USBA Level One Officials certification. 

The plans continue to move forward for the annual 4-day MN Biathlon Training Camp at Mt Itasca starting on June 14th and running through Saturday, June 17th. The Invitation for that event is also attached! MN Biathlon is still waiting for some to pay for their rifle lease!! Please, let’s get these taken care of!! And some have not paid their membership dues yet! The forms are, once again, attached for your convenience!!

Bill Meyer, Coach

MNB Membership information

Our primary round of rifle distribution is now done. Basically if you have a MN Biathlon rifle—your lease fee is due NOW!! Andof course, your MN Biathlon Membership. Please get this in to me as quickly as possible!!! The forms are attached once again!! 

Bill Meyer, Coach

Elk River Daycamps this coming weekend

Good Afternoon All!!

Coming right up starting on Saturday are the first MN Biathlon Daycamps of the new training year!! We still have two openings [3 on Saturday] if you would still like to sign up with Lynda Bouley lyndabouley@gmail.com

For those needing a rifle fit—please try to arrive early—even by 8:00 would be good!! 

The tentative schedule is attached. We are expecting some rain, but the time and amount forecast keeps changing. In any case, bring a change of clothes! [maybe two?]

Thanks and hope to see you there!!
Bill Meyer, Coach