Jack Cashman in Norway

Good Evening!

Jack Cashman is in Norway at the Ski Festival in Norway for Youth ages and below. Attached please find the results of todays sprint. You can scroll down to the “Gutah 16 ar class” and find Jack in 9th with 0,2 shooting!! out of 43 in that class. I think there are 1022 participants total!!https://liatoppenskiskytterfestival.no/uploads/iKjjhea8/230415Offisiellresultatliste-sprint.PDF

Biathlon is not a small sport in Norway!!

– Bill Meyer

MNB Membership information

Our primary round of rifle distribution is now done. Basically if you have a MN Biathlon rifle—your lease fee is due NOW!! Andof course, your MN Biathlon Membership. Please get this in to me as quickly as possible!!! The forms are attached once again!! 

Bill Meyer, Coach

Elk River Daycamps this coming weekend

Good Afternoon All!!

Coming right up starting on Saturday are the first MN Biathlon Daycamps of the new training year!! We still have two openings [3 on Saturday] if you would still like to sign up with Lynda Bouley lyndabouley@gmail.com

For those needing a rifle fit—please try to arrive early—even by 8:00 would be good!! 

The tentative schedule is attached. We are expecting some rain, but the time and amount forecast keeps changing. In any case, bring a change of clothes! [maybe two?]

Thanks and hope to see you there!!
Bill Meyer, Coach

Shooting camps May 6th and 7th at Elk River

Good Evening All!!Attached please find the Invitation to the Shooting/Ski Technique daycamps scheduled for 6th/7th of May at Elk River!! 

This Invitation has been in the hands of our newcomers for a week to allow the majority of them a first chance to sign up. We have 8 so far, and will give precedence for up to 2 more to fill in one of the two groups we are expecting. Therefore at this point we have a total remaining of 12 openings—so if you wish to attend, be sure to get your name in to Lynda Bouley asap!! 

There is scheduled a followup camp at Mt Itasca two weeks after the Elk River event. More information will be forthcoming on that soon. 

If you want to attend the Elk River daycamps please let Lynda know at lyndabouley@gmail.com

In addition to the daycamps for Youth and Juniors, on Saturday evening we will have a 2 hr Level One Officials class at a nearby location. This class is sanctioned by USBA and is the first level for Officials at any Regional or National events. I will be conducting that class—so please let me know if you would like to attend. wmeyer@nisswa.net

Hope to see you there!!  Please contact Lynda or me if you have any questions!! 
Bill Meyer, Coach

Memberships and rifle lease payments

Good Morning Everyone!!

Winter doesn’t want to give up around here! A record year for snow a few days ago and we got 4-6”more of wet sloppy stuff last evening. Stuck to everything including the clotheslines! So everything is frosted—very pretty! But…….

I am slowly getting in the rifle lease payments and memberships for MN Biathlon. I would really like to get this done—so if you have a rifle from MN Biathlon—you need to get the rental form completed and mailed in. And everyone—you should be members of MN Biathlon—so please get that taken care of!!

Those two sources are the major sources of income statewide for the year! And for those in the Twin Cities—the added fee for the range upkeep is used for all the improvements at that venue in Elk River and to support the largest group in MN, Twin Cites Biathlon. The coaching fee is used directly to help set up that summer program at Elk River. 

The corporate officers are all volunteers and receive no reimbursement. When we invite outside coaches into our camps, or send a coach out of state for National meets, we try to help with some of their expenses. 

Please let me know if you have any questions—then if you haven’t yet submitted—please get it done!!

Bill Meyer, Coach

Rifles for sale, anyone?

Good Morning Everyone!

Most of you are active biathlon families. But I know some of you have personal rifles that are not being used extensively!! 

This spring, we have seen many newcomers to our sport!! Of those who are in and participating, plus those who have expressed interest and will be invited to our first camp in May, I count up 13 new names since last fall!! These are all teenage athletes who would qualify for a leased MN Biathlon rifle..if we had enough to cover all of them!! And an equal number of older athletes: seniors, masters, etc., have shown interest but would have to provide their own rifles…

It is great to be popular! But…..

On the other end of our pipeline, we have a number who are dedicated to the sport, but will be leaving the state for colleges elsewhere. They have been buying their own rifles. Several this year, again. I have also been pulling in some rifles from athletes who were not using them enough in MN events per the lease agreement. 

To help alleviate what appears to be a shortage of MN Biathlon rifles this year for lease, 4 families, who are currently leasing, have indicated an interest in personally purchasing a used rifle, if any are available. Three right handed and one left handed. Anschutz Fortners are preferable. 

So long way of asking that if anyone has a rifle they would like to sell, please get in touch and I will connect you with one of the four families. Most used Fortners are in the $3000-$4000 range unless it is almost new. Factory stocks have been changing over the past 10-15 yrs or so—carrying harnesses and slings often need replacing, and etc. 

So hoping some of you will be willing to clean out your closets!! 
