MN Biathlon 2019/2020 Spring/Summer/Fall Schedule


Mon – 4/15/19:  Begin 19/20   Training Plan


Fri Eve- Sun – 5/17-5/19:  Weekend Shooting Camp- Mt Itasca-leased rifle issuing/fitting


Wed-Sun – 6/19 -6/23:  Mt Itasca Midwest Shooting Camp; Cross Bia race

Tue- Thurs – 6/25-6/27:  Elk River continuation Shooting Camp – time trial on rs


Thurs eve7/18MN/ER RS Biathlon race #1


Thurs eve 8/8MN/ER RS Biathlon race #2

Sun- Sun – 8/11-8/18:  Vermont National Camp  & Nat RS Bia Championship races


Sun9/15MN/ER RS Biathlon race #3


Sat-Sun –  10/19- 10/20:  Elk River Camp & MN/ER RS Bia race #4


Sun-Sun – 11/24-12/1:  Thanksgiving camp West Yellowstone & Biathlon race

Training plans are coming out currently. Let me know if you want a plan—divided into B/G; YJr; Advanced; and marathon skier categories plus adjusted by annual volume goals.  To qualify for a plan you must be an active member of MN Biathlon.

Also please note: If you intend to lease a rifle from MNBiathlon this year, you will need to agree to attend most of the MN races including those in bold print above plus 6-7 winter MNCup races.